Her mission, take out a high-class British slayer who has her eye on killing Buffy and taking charge of the brigade. A chance to start over and be able to move forward without getting arrested and taken back to prison for the murder years ago.

In exchange for her help, he would grant her a passport and a new identity. Giles, Buffy’s former Watcher, proposes a deal for Faith. Faith has had a long list of issues since her being Chosen including murdering an innocent man and turning evil for a season. Volume 2: No Future For You focuses on the the runner-up slayer Faith aka the Unhinged Slayer. Volume 1 – My Rating: 5 out of 10 Book Charms They introduced a military general as a possible antagonist then he disappears close to the end of the novel not seen since. I sort of liked the twists but I had issues with the villains. The continuity issues and plot holes also bothered me. I think they were trying to figure what direction they were going. My final thoughts on the first volume, well, it is a rocky and confusing start. The novel reveals Buffy now has decoys….yeah decoys….and the fact they were both fooled by a decoy made it even more hilarious. I had to laugh in the beginning because if you followed closely with the show Angel, it’s spin-off, they poked at the fact Buffy’s past lovers Angel and Spike searched for her in Rome and were shocked to discover “Buffy” was in love with a demon called The Immortal. But when she shows up levitating her way into the chaotic scene, I about lost it, it was awesome. Willow, well, she’s MIA till almost halfway through the first volume. Xander is in commander in chief of the slayers while Buffy is going out on various missions. Only in the novels, Buffy and her recruited Slayers are still battling the evil of the world and have their own castle headquarters in Scotland. SPOILER ALERT: They saved the world and moved on. Back to the novels, the writers try to pick up where Season 8 left off.